
Anton Lapov at Delfina Foundation

Gaia Art Foundation was pleased to support Ukrainian artist Anton Lapov’s threemonth residency at Delfina Foundation, London, as part of the Collecting as Practice programme.

During his residency at Delfina Foundation, Anton continued his research into the peculiarities of the functioning of the art system, with a focus on the interrelations between archives of art institutions; private, luxury collecting, and the logic of art-market expertise. With the high rate of the digitisation of cultural-economical processes Anton also investigated the possibility of developing an algorithmic toolbox for critical evaluation of contemporary cultural production.

Anton Lapov is an artist, independent curator and museologist who lives and works in Severodonetsk, Ukraine. He is the coordinator of the media-art collective Art-cluster R+N+D and has organized numerous events in field of experimental electronic music, media-art and museological research. Lapov’s practice follows a multidisciplinary approach based on his interest in new media, creative coding, digital humanities and experimental museology. He is constantly in search of non-conventional forms of exhibitionary representation and seeks to avoid the logic of instrumentalization through the creation of procedural communicative situations. In addition to being involved in the sphere of artistic and curatorial production, he also conducts research into the history of Ukrainian sound-art/electronic music and local artistic communities of Eastern Ukraine.

The Delfina Foundation residency programme provides opportunities for artists, curators and writers to develop their practice, explore connections, and build collaborations with colleagues, communities and institutions. Six to eight residents are selected to take part in the programmes for up to three months at a time, living and working from the Delfina Foundation premises near Buckingham Palace. Delfina Foundation has previously worked with a range of partner institutions to create residency opportunities for cultural practitioners abroad. Such residencies have taken place in São Paulo (Brazil), Halabja (Iraqi-Kurdistan), Damascus (Syria), Granada (Spain), Bethlehem (Palestine), Muscat (Oman), Dubai (UAE), Beirut (Lebanon), Cordoba (Spain), and Ramallah (Palestine).

“Video: Delfina Foundation Presents Anton Lupov”, Delfina Foundation

“Research Grant Winners Announced”, Delfina Foundation

Anton Lapov was in residency at Delfina Foundation, London, from January – April 2018.