
science_ technology_ society at Delfina Foundation, Season 2

Season 2 of the science_technology_society programme supported contemporary interdisciplinary approaches that consider, intervene in, and speculate on the world in which we live and its possible futures. In partnership with Gaia Art Foundation, season 2 took place in autumn 2020. It brings together international residents and UK associates, whose work explores cultural perspectives on technology and the sciences, and asks how we might reimagine our relationship with them in a vulnerable ecosystem.

The participants initiated research – in collaboration with other practitioners – encompassing ideas including; the ecological footprint of AI, indigenous robotics, the Maori relationship with the night sky, black speculative fiction, data feminism and the interplay between dreamt and virtual reality.

Participants included Rosalie Yu, Rut Karin Zettergren, Sara Garzon, Louise Beer, Sonya Dyer and Anna Ridler.

Projects stemming from the residency included:

Anna Ridler and Rosalie Yu: Research Things

Sonya Dyer: HFO an occassional podcast

Worldmaking Practices: A Take on the Future

In Conversation: Anna Ridler and Gary Zhexi Zhang

Resident's Room: Louise Beer

Resident's Room: Rut Karin Zettergren

Presenting: Rosalie Yu

Presenting: Sonya Dyer